Which Magnesium is Best for Sleep? Our Comprehensive Guide

Which Magnesium is Best for Sleep? Our Comprehensive Guide​

If you're not getting enough shut-eye, you're in good company. One out of every three adults doesn't sleep the recommended number of hours, says the CDC. Whether it's a packed schedule or sleep just escapes you, the effects are serious. Lack of sleep raises your chance of dealing with heart issues, being obese, getting type 2 diabetes, or feeling down.

Key Takeaways

  • Magnesium is crucial for over 300 body functions, from heart and bone health to immune system and energy production support. [1]
  • Taking magnesium supplements can help you relax, lower your stress, boost GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) levels, and regulate your sleep cycle. This can lead to better sleep quality and more hours asleep. [1]
  • If you need magnesium for better sleep, go with magnesium glycinate. It's known for helping you sleep better. [1]
  • The right amount of magnesium to aim for each day is 310-420 mg as an adult, depending on whether you're a man or a woman. [1,2]
  • If you take too much magnesium, you might deal with side effects like upset stomach, feeling sick, or an irregular heartbeat. [1]

Sleep isn't just lying still; it's your body's healing time. From building memories to managing your mood and even keeping you from getting sick, sleep is crucial. It affects many things that keep you healthy and feeling well.

Magnesium is key for good health. It's a major part of your diet, needing more than smaller minerals like zinc and iron. Adults should aim for 400 - 420 milligrams a day if they're male, and 310 - 320 milligrams if they're female. [1]

Magnesium can do a lot for your sleep. It relaxes your muscles, great if you have cramps or tense muscles that keep you up at night. It’s also linked to melatonin production, the sleep hormone. And it helps by lowering stress, which makes sleeping easier. [1]

For sleep, magnesium glycinate is the top pick, according to Dr. Ankrehah Trimble Johnson. It includes glycine, an amino acid that may help with sleeping, according to some studies on animals. [1]

The Importance of Quality Sleep

Sleep isn't just time spent doing nothing. It's when our bodies work hard to recharge and heal. This helps with things like remembering, staying in a good mood, and fighting off sickness. [3]

Sleep and Health

Getting enough good sleepis key to staying healthy. Lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems like heart issues, obesity, diabetes, and feeling down. [3] It's important to sleep well to be at your best, both physically and mentally.

Stages of Sleep

Sleep has different parts, like light and deep sleep, and REM sleep where we dream. Each kind of sleep helps us in a special way, like repairing our body and sorting our memories.

Knowing about these sleep stages can help us sleep better. This is by letting us know what we need to do to make sure we get the right kind of sleep.

Sleep-Wake Cycle

Our sleep follows a regular rhythm, thanks to a process called the circadian rhythm. This rhythm is set by light and the hormone melatonin. Keeping a steady sleep schedule helps our bodies stay in tune, making it easier to sleep well and feel energized.

Understanding Magnesium

Magnesium is a key mineral for good health. We need more of it than certain other minerals like zinc. For adults, men need 400 to 420 milligrams a day. Women need 310 to 320 milligrams daily. [3]

Functions of Magnesium

Magnesium plays a role in 300 body processes. These include making energy, controlling blood pressure, and moving nerve signals. It also helps your muscles work. [4] Having enough magnesium is vital for your health.

Dietary Sources of Magnesium

Top sources of magnesiumare roasted pumpkin seeds and chia seeds. Almonds, cashews, and peanuts are also high in magnesium. [3] Even so, many people in the West don't get enough magnesium from food. [4] If you find it hard to eat foods rich in magnesium, considering supplementsmight help.


Magnesium and Sleep Regulation

Magnesium is key for a good night's sleep. It helps relax muscles, easing issues like muscle cramps and restless legs. [3] This is very important for sleep since tight muscles can keep you up at night. Also, magnesium boosts melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that tells your body it's time to sleep. [5] So, by taking magnesium, you're helping your body know it's bedtime.

Besides, magnesium is good at managing stress. It lowers cortisol, which is the body's stress hormone. [5] By keeping stress in check, magnesium makes it easier to fall asleep.

Magnesium's Role in GABA Production

Magnesium has another trick up its sleeve. It helps produce GABA, a brain chemical that calms you down. This action further aids in better sleep by making your mind and body relax. [5] When your body and mind are calm, falling asleep becomes a smoother process.

Magnesium and Melatonin Levels

Among its many functions, magnesium boosts melatonin. Melatonin controls when you sleep and wake. [5] So, by topping up magnesium, you're helping your body's sleep clock work better.

There's also proof that a diet high in magnesium can boost sleep quality. [5] This works because magnesium and melatonin each do their part. Magnesium cuts stress to help you relax and melatonin keeps your sleep pattern in rhythm. [5] Adding magnesium, melatonin, and B vitamins might be the triple threat against insomnia. [5] This mix helps in different ways to improve how well and how long you sleep.

Which magnesium is best for sleep

There are many types of magnesium, like citrate and glycinate. For those wanting better sleep, magnesium glycinate is often recommended. Dr. Ankrehah Trimble Johnson says this. It has glycine, which studies on animals show could help sleep. [6]

Magnesium Form

Potential Benefits for Sleep

Magnesium Glycinate

Contains the amino acid glycine, which may have sleep-promoting effects.

Magnesium Citrate

May help with muscle relaxation and stress reduction, supporting better sleep.

Magnesium Oxide

Can help with insomnia, but may be less bioavailable than other forms.

Magnesium Taurate

The combination of magnesium and taurine may provide a synergistic calming effect for improved sleep quality.

About 30% of grown-ups have trouble sleeping. [6] The NIH says women need 310–320 mg and men need 400–420 mg a day. You might sleep better in a week from taking magnesium. But those very lacking might need more time to feel the effects. [6] Taking too much magnesium can cause stomach issues, low blood pressure, and make you feel weak. [6]

Different Forms of Magnesium

There are many types of magnesium supplements. Each type brings something special. Knowing this can help you find the right one for better sleep.

Magnesium Citrate

Research with 14 men found that magnesium citrate is easy for our bodies to use. It’s better absorbed than other kinds. [4]

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate is great for sleep, says a doctor. It gives you something called glycine, which might help you sleep better. [4]

Magnesium Oxide

Studies show magnesium oxide doesn't get into our system so well. This might mean it's not the best for tackling low magnesium levels. [4]

Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride works quickly when you take it by mouth. People use it for different things like heartburn or low magnesium levels, backed by science. [4]

Magnesium Taurate

In animals, magnesium taurate seems to help with blood sugar and pressure. But we need more studies with people to be sure. [4]

Choosing the Right Magnesium Supplement

To improve sleep by getting more magnesium, consider a few important things. Men should aim for 400 to 420 milligrams a day. For women, it's 310 to 320 milligrams every day. [1]

Dosage and Timing

For supplements, it’s best to follow the label’s advice. Taking it 30 minutes before bed is a good idea. Dr. Stephenson suggests 100 to 350 milligrams. Start with a small amount to see how it works for you [3]

Elemental Magnesium Content

Check the labelto know the real magnesium amount in each serving. It's better not to go over 350 milligrams a day on supplements. This helps avoid any bad side effects. [3]

Always talk to a doctor before adding new supplements to your routine. Everyone reacts differently, and a pro can offer the best advice for you. [1]

Magnesium Glycinate for Better Sleep

Magnesium glycinate is a top pick for better sleep, says doctor Ankrehah Trimble Johnson, D.O. She explains it’s great because it has a special mix of magnesium and the amino acid glycine. This mix might help you sleep better, research shows. [3]

Magnesium is vital for our sleep patterns. [3] Sadly, many in the U.S., both kids and adults, don't get enough magnesium. This could lead to sleeping problems. [3] The amount of magnesium we need varies but for most adults, it's between 310 and 420 milligrams a day. [3]

So, taking magnesium glycinate can help deal with this shortage and give your sleep a boost. [3] People with more magnesium in their bodies tend to sleep better, longer, and feel less tired the next day. [3] Also, magnesium might be good for fighting insomnia, or sleep issues. [3] A study found that people in their 60s with insomnia improved after taking magnesium. [3]

If you use magnesium glycinate for sleep, stick to the dose advice. [3] Experts say not to take more than 350 milligrams a day to stay safe. [7] It might take a few days or weeks to see the benefits, so keep at it. [3]

Magnesium Taurate for Restful Nights

Magnesium Taurate combines magnesium with the amino acid taurine. Together, they enhance each other's effects in the body. Taurine, like magnesium, has a calming impact on the brain. This helps regulate sleep-related neurotransmitters. [8] Because of this, Magnesium Taurate is very good for improving sleep. It helps in both falling asleep and ensuring the sleep you get is deep and refreshing.

Benefits of Magnesium Taurate

This mix has several advantages for sleep:

  • Calming the Brain: Magnesium and taurine combine to calm the brain. This is helpful for starting sleep. [8]
  • Promoting Relaxation: Magnesium relaxes muscles, while taurine soothes the brain. This combo helps with stress, making sleep more restful. [6]
  • Enhancing Sleep Cycles: Magnesium supports the body's sleep-wake cycle. It does this by helping make melatonin, which aids in better quality and longer sleep. [6]
  • Benefiting Specific Populations: Magnesium Taurate can be particularly useful for people with insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It tackles some root causes of sleep problems in these groups. [6]

The power of magnesium and taurine working together is clear. Magnesium Taurate is a great, natural choice for those needing improved sleep and relaxation.

Magnesium Dosage for Sleep Quality

Recommended Daily Intake

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is 310 to 420 milligrams for adults. This amount varies by age, gender, and if one is pregnant. Taking more than 350 milligrams for sleep may cause issues like diarrhea and nausea. [3] For daily magnesium needs, women should aim for 310–320 mg, while men need 400–420 mg. [6]

Dr. Stephenson suggests using a magnesium supplement. Take it half an hour before sleep as per the product instructions. [3] Starting with 100 milligrams is advised by Dr. Johnson to see how your body reacts. [3] It's safe to take magnesium daily, but avoid more than 350 milligrams a day. Talk to your doctor about possible drug interactions. [3]

Older adults and those with special health conditions might find magnesium helpful for sleep. This includes people with digestive issues, alcohol misuse, diabetes, and mental healthconcerns like anxiety and depression. [6] A recent study showed magnesium helped older adults with insomnia sleep better when they took 320–729 mg daily. [9]

Remember, it's not recommended to take over 350 mg of magnesium supplements each day to stay safe. Plus, watch out for interactions with certain medicines like antibiotics and diuretics. [9]

Side Effects and Precautions

Magnesium is safe in the right amounts, but too much can cause problems. It might lead to diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal cramps. Other side effects include an irregular heartbeat, thirst, and low blood pressure. [6]

Safety During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, aim for 350–400 milligrams (mg) of magnesium each day. If you're breastfeeding, you should get 310–360 mg daily. [10] Always talk to your doctor before adding magnesium supplements to be sure it's safe.


Recommended Daily Magnesium Intake

Adult Women

310–320 mg

Adult Men

400–420 mg

Pregnant Women

350–400 mg

Breastfeeding Women

310–360 mg

Getting too much magnesium can have effects like tummy troubles or a fast or weak heartbeat. Make sure to follow dosage advice and speak with your doctor first, especially if you're pregnant or have health issues. [10]


Magnesium is a key mineral known to help improve sleep quality. Magnesium glycinate stands out for its calming abilities. But, the best form and dose of magnesium may differ for everyone. [11]

If you're still not sleeping well, talk to your doctor. They can check for health issues like sleep apnea or mental health problems. These conditions may need special attention. [12]

It's vital to practice good sleep habits too. Try to keep a regular sleep schedule and wind down before bed. These steps, along with magnesium, can help you get the sleep your body craves. [12]

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