What is Magnesium Citrate Good For? Benefits Explained

What is Magnesium Citrate Good For? Benefits Explained

What is Magnesium Citrate Good For Benefits Explained

Magnesium is a key mineral for our health, playing a part in over 300 body processes. [1] It helps with muscles, nerves, energy, and keeps our bones strong. Magnesium citrate is a form of magnesium the body absorbs well. This makes it beneficial for many aspects of health. If you ask, "What does magnesium citrate do?", we'll look at its potential benefits. We'll dive into why adding this supplement to your day could be a good move.

Key Takeaways

  • Magnesium is the fourth most abundant cation in the body and is involved in over 300 enzyme systems [1]
  • Magnesium citrate is a readily absorbable form of magnesium that may provide benefits for digestive health, heart health, blood sugar control, mental wellbeing, and bone strength
  • Magnesium citrate is available in various forms, including liquid, powder, capsules, and tablets [2]
  • Magnesium citrate may help regulate digestion, relieve constipation, and support cardiovascular function [2,3]
  • Supplementation with magnesium citrate has been linked to improvements in blood sugar control, mood, and sleep quality [3]

Introduction to Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium: The Forgotten Electrolyte

Magnesium is crucial for our bodies. It's one of the main electrolytes, as important as sodium, potassium, and calcium. [4] This mineral is the fourth most common positive ion in our body's tissues. It does a lot to keep us healthy. Yet, it doesn't get as much attention, earning it the name "the forgotten electrolyte".

What is Magnesium Citrate?

Magnesium citrate is a special compound. It mixes the mineral magnesium with citric acid. [5] This blend helps our bodies soak up magnesium better, making it a great way to get this essential mineral.

Magnesium Citrate: A Readily Absorbable Form

When compared to magnesium oxide and others, magnesium citrate dissolves well and is absorbed by the body easily. [4] This means the body can use the magnesium more effectively. It’s a good choice for those looking to up their magnesium levels.

Digestive Health Benefits of Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate is mainly used as a laxative to ease constipation. It does this by pulling water into the intestines. This softens the stool, making it easier to clear waste from the body.

Regulating Digestion and Relieving Constipation

It's often the key ingredient in many laxatives because it's gentle on the gut. This is good news for anyone dealing with bowel issues. Those struggling with constipation find relief thanks to magnesium citrate. Together, by promoting regular bowel movements and helping the body get rid of waste, it supports good digestion. [1]

Magnesium Citrate as a Gentle Laxative

About 60% of our magnesium stash is in our bones, showing its bone health benefits. But, half of Americans lack enough magnesium, mainly due to poor soil affecting food. Magnesium citrate steps in as a gentle fix for constipation and digestive troubles.

The standard daily magnesium intakerecommended for most adults is 400-420 mg for men and 310-320 mg for women. [1] Many products suggest a daily 250 mg dose as a supplement. Yet, taking too much magnesium over the long term can lead to problems. This is often seen with high-dose laxatives and antacids. Pregnant women, however, might need up to 360 mg a day. [1]

Magnesium plays a big role in making energy and in many enzyme activities. But, too much magnesium can cause issues like diarrhea. Also, it's good to remember that nausea and stomach pains might mean you're getting too much. [1]

Cardiovascular Benefits of Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium is crucial for keeping our hearts healthy. Adding magnesium citrate to our diet helps our heart and blood flow. It's a key player in over 300 bodily systems, including those that take care of our heart. [1]

Improving Heart Health and Reducing Arrhythmia

Research shows that magnesium citrate betters heart health and cuts the chance of arrhythmia. [6] It's important because low or high magnesium levels affect 1 in 10 patients in intensive heart care units. This points to the value of the right magnesium balance for heart patients. [6]

The same study found that 41% of these patients lacked enough magnesium in their blood cells. [6] This further shows why those with heart issues need to make sure they get enough magnesium.

Lowering Blood Pressure and Arterial Stiffness

Using magnesium citrate can also help with high blood pressure and stiff arteries. [3] In 2016, a research group found that taking 350 mg of magnesium citrate each day for 24 weeks made arteries less stiff. This stiffness is often seen with high blood pressure. [3]

Another study in 2021 looked at people with metabolic syndrome. They took 400 mg of magnesium citrate per day for 12 weeks. This helped lower their blood pressure and blood sugar levels. [3] Getting more magnesium into your diet could also cut down your risk of heart disease by 22%. [3]

Furthermore, other studies found that adding magnesium, like magnesium citrate, to our diet can lower blood pressure. Results showed a drop of 2.2 mmHg for systolic pressure and 1.3 mmHg for diastolic pressure. [6] Another review from 2012 confirmed that magnesium can bring down blood pressure. It could lower systolic pressure by 3-4 mmHg and diastolic pressure by 2-3 mmHg. [6]

These results suggest that magnesium citrate might help our hearts by improving blood pressure and artery health.

Blood Sugar Control and Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium is key in keeping blood sugar levels stable and helps with how your body uses sugar. Many studies show that taking magnesium citrate can make a big difference. It's especially good for those with diabetes or who might develop it.

Regulating Blood Sugar Levels

In 2022, a look at 24 studies found that people with diabetes who used magnesium had better blood sugar and A1c levels than those who didn't. [7] Another study from 2021 with 300 type 2 diabetes patients showed a link. They found that those who had more trouble with their blood sugar also had low magnesium. This shows magnesium and blood sugar control are connected. [3]

People with diabetes often lack magnesium. This is especially true for type 2 diabetes. Low magnesium seems tied to not responding well to insulin. Using magnesium citrate can help people with diabetes better manage their blood sugar by improving the way their body uses glucose. [7,8]

Supporting Healthy Glycemic Control in Diabetes

In 2021, 24 people with metabolic syndrome took 400mg of magnesium citrate every day for 12 weeks. They saw their blood pressure and A1c levels drop. [3] Another study found that getting enough magnesium can lower the chances of getting type 2 diabetes. This shows magnesium's role in preventing diabetes. [7]

Because our bodies absorb magnesium citrate well, it’s a favorite for diabetes patients. [7] But if you have kidney problems, be careful with it. Magnesium is mainly taken out of the body by the kidneys, so if your kidneys aren't working well, too much magnesium could be harmful. [7]


What is magnesium citrate good for?

Magnesium Citrate for Mental Health

Magnesium citrate is not just good for the body; it is great for the mind too. It plays a key role in how our brain works. This mineral helps make neurotransmitters and keeps our nervous system running smoothly. [9]

Reducing Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Symptoms

Studies show that taking magnesium citrate can make us feel less stressed, anxious, or down. It has a soothing effect on the brain, which might lower anxiety. [9]

Magnesium is importantfor controlling the body's stress reactions. By helping our stress system work better, magnesium citrate might help us handle stress and its effects on our mood. [9]

Magnesium citrate can also improve our sleep. Good sleep is essential for good mental health. Less stress and anxiety can result from better sleep, making magnesium citrate even more beneficial for our minds. [9]

Enhancing Sleep Quality with Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium is key for our nerves and helps us sleep well. Taking magnesium citrate can make your sleep better and longer. [10]

Promoting Relaxation and Restful Sleep

It helps us feel relaxed and calm by affecting brain chemicals like GABA and melatonin. Adding magnesium citrate to your diet can improve how you sleep. This means falling asleep quicker, sleeping longer, and waking up less at night. [10,11]

More magnesium in your body might mean you sleep more and better, and feel less tired during the day. [10] It's especially good for seniors. They fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer. [10]

Older adults in their 60s could sleep more and better with a magnesium citrate supplement. They tossed and turned less and worried less about not sleeping. [10] This form of magnesium also helps with issues like not being able to sleep and feeling like your legs must move at night. It helps pregnant women with leg cramps at night, too.

Experts suggest magnesium glycinate for making you feel calm and sleeping well. [10] But beware, too much magnesium, over 350 milligrams a day, can upset your stomach and cause other problems. [10] While most people can take these supplements safely, it's smart to talk to a doctor first, especially if you take other medicines. [10,11]

Promoting Relaxation and Restful Sleep

Bone Health and Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium is key for strong, healthy bones. Around 60% of our total magnesium is in our bones. [1] In 2009, the EFSA Panel found a link between how much magnesium we eat and keeping our bones healthy. [12] If we lack magnesium, it can harm our bones and affect how well our body works in many ways. [12]

Role of Magnesium in Bone Mineral Density

Research points to a connection between low magnesium in our blood and weak bones, which can lead to osteoporosis. [12] Yet, 20% of people don't get enough magnesium, which lowers their bone strength and raises their fracture risk. [12] Taking magnesium citrate and other magnesium forms can boost bone strength and cut down fracture chances. A 2021 study in Biometals backed this up. [9]

Reducing Risk of Fractures and Osteoporosis

Taking magnesium at doses from 250 to 1800 mg has been linked to stronger bones and less chance of breaking. [12] In the U.S., nearly half of all adults don't take in enough magnesium. This shortage hits older men and teens hardest. [12] Getting enough magnesium through diet or with magnesium citrate supplementscan keep osteoporosis and broken bones at bay.

Dietary Sources of Magnesium

Magnesium is found in many plant-based foods. This makes it easy to get enough from your meals. Some top sources of magnesium are:

Magnesium-Rich Foods and Supplements

Did you know dark chocolate has 65 mg of magnesium in just one ounce? That's 15% of what your body needs daily. [13] Avocados, a favorite for many, have 58 mg in each fruit. This covers 14% of the daily value. [13] For a quick snack, grab some cashews. They offer 83 mg in an ounce, meeting 20% of the DV. [13]

Black beansare another good source, with 120 mg in a cooked cup. This is 29% of your daily needs. Tofu is a healthy choice. Three and a half ounces provide 35 mg, or 8% of what you should aim for every day. [13]

Don't forget pumpkin seeds, offering 168 mg in an ounce. This is 40% of the DV. [13] Buckwheat also contains magnesium, with 86 mg in a cooked cup. That’s 20% of what your body requires. [13] For fish lovers, salmon is a great choice. A 3.5-ounce serving has 30 mg, which is 7% of the DV. [13] And bananas? One large banana gives you 37 mg, covering 9% of the DV. [13] Cooked spinachis known for its nutrients, including magnesium. A cup has 158 mg, making up 37% of the daily value. [13]

If you love chia and almonds, they're also good magnesium sources. Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and almonds have 156 mg, 111 mg, and 80 mg, respectively. Adding spinach to your meals ensures you get even more magnesium, with 78 mg in a cooked cup. [14] Other magnesium-rich foods include avocados, with 44 mg, brown rice at 42 mg, and milk with 24 mg. [14]

Recommended Magnesium Intake and Dosage

More than 1 in 3 Australian adults don't get enough magnesium daily. [14] In Australia, 1 in 3 still fall short in magnesium intake. [14] If you lack magnesium, supplements might help. But be careful not to take too much. Too many supplements can lead to diarrhea and nausea. [14]


Magnesium citrate is a top choice for getting more magnesium in your body. It helps with many aspects of health. [9] This mineral aids digestion health, keeps your heart strong, and helps control blood sugar. It also boosts your mental health and is good for your bones. [15,16]

The amount of magnesium you need depends on your age, sex, and lifestyle. [15] Eating foods rich in magnesium is a good start. But sometimes, you might also need supplements like magnesium citrate. When picking a supplement, check how well your body will absorb it. Also, think about what you want the supplement to do for you. And be aware of any side effects or how it might interact with other things you take. [15]

Making sure you have enough magnesium in your body is key to feeling your best. You can do this by eating right and using supplements if needed. Magnesium citrate is a great choice for many health areas. [9,16] It helps with your digestion, heart, metabolism, and mind. It's a beneficial part of a healthy lifestyle. [9,16]

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